98-year-old grandmother takes up indoor sponsored cycle ride challenge in support of the homelessness charity that was set up by her great-grandmother in 1887


98-year-old grandmother takes up indoor sponsored cycle ride challenge in support of homelessness charity WLM (West London Mission) for 80 days

“Irrepressible 98-year-old Diana O’Flynn is busy raising funds for homelessness charity set up by her great grandmother in 1887”

(Asian Independent)- West Hill resident, Diana O’Flynn – 98 years old, has taken up the ‘Around the Sitting Room in 80 Days’ challenge to raise funds for her beloved charity WLM (West London Mission), a charity set up by her great grandmother in 1887! She would like those who are able to sponsor her to raise money for a great cause.

WLM has been a vehicle for change since 1887. The charity’s diverse services share a common vision of enabling transformative change and empowering people affected by homelessness, poverty and trauma to make positive changes in their lives (https://www.wlm.org.uk/).

One of WLM’s six services is the WLM Kathrine Price Hughes (KPH) service, a 24-hour/7 day-a-week Independent Approved Premise with capacity to house 20 ex-offenders leaving prison. At WLM Katherine Price Hughes, residents receive high-level support during their journey in transitioning from custody to the community.

This service was set up by Diana’s great grandmother Katherine Price Hughes back in 1887, so she wishes to honour her work by fundraising for WLM.

Diana’s granddaughter, Jovie McMillan, explained: “During lockdown, my grandmother asked me to purchase her an exercise bike… not an ordinary request, but this is no ordinary grandmother. She was used to daily walks and adventures and found the change of pace difficult to adjust to. Those who know her will not be surprised by this. She was always off doing something and usually raising money for charity along the way. This is a woman who finds it difficult to stay still. She asked me if there was any way of her doing a sponsored ‘bike ride’. So here we are folks, an incredible 98-year-old lady would like you to sponsor her as she cycles on the spot! Frankly doing anything close to this at 98 is a feat all by itself and deserves a few pennies.”

Diana’s aim is to cycle for at least half an hour every day until June 30. She started on Monday, April 12 and her 80-day challenge can be followed on Instagram: @aroundthesittingroomin80days

You can support Diana via her Go Fund Me page https://www.gofundme.com/f/around-the-sitting-room-in-80-days, all donations go directly to WLM empowering people to make positive changes in their lives.