2019 Clinical Excellence Awards round opens


The 2019 national Clinical Excellence Awards competition is now open. It will close to applications at 5pm on Thursday 4 April.

The Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA) is now accepting applications to the 2019 national Clinical Excellence Awards competition.

Consultants and academic GPs working for the NHS in England and Wales can apply for new national awards and for renewals due in 2019.

Current award holders will need to submit a renewal application if:

  • they received their current award in the 2015 round
  • their award was last renewed in 2014 (awarded in 2010, 2005, 2000)

In some cases, award holders will be renewing out of the usual cycle. Awards are reviewed earlier if there is a change in job or a significant change in job plan.

Applicants should read the 2019 application guidance before starting an application on our online application system.

Please check your contact details are up to date on our online systemso you receive messages from the ACCEA.

Your application will not be complete until you have clicked ‘submit to ACCEA’.

ACCEA recommends no more than 5 citations per application