200-page charge sheet filed in IIT-BHU molestation case


Varanasi, (Asian independent) The police in Varanasi have filed a 200 page charge sheet in the molestation case of an IIT-BHU student.

The charge sheet details the incident that happened to the student in her own words and includes the statements of her friends present with her, the security guard of the Proctorial Board of IIT BHU and the doctor who conducted the medical examination have been recorded.

The medical report of the student is also mentioned.

As scientific evidence, with the help of surveillance on the night of the incident, the police have presented in the court the location of the mobile phones of the three accused at the crime scene, the CCTV footage of the accused and the photos obtained from it, their route chart and the data recovered from the mobile.

On December 31, 2023, 60 days after the incident, Kunal Pandey, Saksham Patel and Abhishek Chauhan were arrested and sent to jail.

Kunal was the co-convenor of the IT cell of the metropolitan unit of BJP.

There was a board of BJP booth president outside Abhishek’s house, but he was described as a member of the working committee of the IT cell.

On the night of November 1, 2023, the victim had gone out for a walk on the campus with a male friend when three accused accosted her, stripped her and took photographs and made videos.

One of them tried to forcibly kiss her. Her male friend was also assaulted.

The incident led to prolonged protests by students on the campus.